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Polymers and Plastics
C1 Chemicals and Fertilizers
Oil, Gas and Refined Products

​Advances in Fuel Cells Technologies and Applications (2025 Program)

​​Fuel cells technology has made recent advances which include considerable improvements in design, materials, economy of scale, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. These advances have enabled broad business use cases and applications in transportation, stationary power generation, portable power, maritime industry, and aviation. Some of the key areas of progress focus on improved membrane materials, optimized catalyst designs, advanced electrode structures, and potential integration with intermittent renewable energy sources such as solar photovoltaics and wind power. These major advances allow for more sustainable energy production, with zero-carbon and zero-greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across various sectors and industries. This specifically includes the development of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (FCEVs) for cleaner transportation and large-scale stationary power generation systems for the electric utility grid stability.
Dec 2024
Polymers and Plastics
C1 Chemicals and Fertilizers
Oil, Gas and Refined Products

Advances in Battery Energy Storage Systems (2024 Program)

Advances in battery energy storage systems (BESS) are growing in importance with continual technological improvements and declining costs of leading battery chemistries such as lithium-ion, vanadium redox, sodium-sulfur, and others. This includes improvements with new chemistries boosting performance. BESS units play an essential role via increased integration with power supply sources with zero-greenhouse gas and zero-carbon emissions such as intermittent renewable power sources (e.g., solar PV and wind) and advances in dispatchable baseload commercial nuclear power (e.g., small modular reactors). This report discusses the viable pathways for BESS units, evaluates the status of commercially advanced battery technologies and applications, and reviews the methodologies for determining the costs and techno-economics of BESS technologies, systems, and projects. The report also provides detailed case studies along with an overview of technology types, their rated output, project status, siting and location, ownership, supply/value chain partners, cost, performance, benefits, and any other relevant data and information.
Dec 2024
Oil, Gas and Refined Products
Renewable Energy and Chemicals

Biorenewable Insights: Fischer Tropsch Processes (2024 Program)

The Fischer-Tropsch process is an old idea taking on a new life in biorenewable fuels and chemical production. This report covers the latest in Fischer-Tropsch technology in the context of net-zero manufacturing, covering process technology, sustainable process configurations, manufacturing economics, and plant-gate carbon intensity.
Nov 2024
Polymers and Plastics
Oil, Gas and Refined Products
Renewable Energy and Chemicals

Processing Challenges of Renewable Feedstocks (2024 Program)

This report provides an overview of the challenges associated with the use of renewable feedstocks for producing biofuels, chemicals, and heat or power. These challenges are often related to the inherent properties of the feedstock, requiring pre-treatment before it can be used directly in existing processes. The necessary pre-treatment processes for converting the renewable feedstocks are discussed. The report also summarizes the technology readiness levels (TRL) of the renewable feedstocks and the corresponding cost of pre-treatment.
Aug 2024
Oil, Gas and Refined Products

Gas Flaring Alternatives (2024 Program)

The report provides a comprehensive review of the technology landscape for flare gas utilization, covering major licensors and emerging technologies. The economic analyses cover production cost estimates for gas-to-liquids (GTL), gas-to-LNG, and gas-to-CNG technologies. Given the case-specific nature of the economic viability of gas flaring alternatives, key assumptions are detailed with each technology assessed against the same associated gas feeds (wet and dry). The report discusses the key factors influencing the economic viability of the different utilization routes. Additionally, it includes extensive discussion on flaring regulation and drivers in the key emitting regions as defined by the World Bank’s global gas flaring tracker report 2024.
Aug 2024
Oil, Gas and Refined Products
Renewable Energy and Chemicals

Biorenewable Insights: Carbon Dioxide Electrolysis (2024 Program)

An investigation the technology and economics for carbon dioxide electrolysis, focusing on near-commercial technologies for power-to-X manufacturing. Covers room-temperature and high-temperature technology for CO production and co-production of CO and hydrogen. Includes cost of production and manufacturing carbon intensity for major near-commercial routes and comparison to conventional methane reforming and dry reforming technology.
May 2024
Polymers and Plastics
Oil, Gas and Refined Products

Xylenes (2024 Program)

This report provides an overview of commercial and developing technologies for xylenes production and includes process economic comparisons and carbon intensity analyses for production routes to para-xylene and meta-xylene. Discussion of commercial end-use applications and a global capacity list by producer are also included.
